詩眠集: 羅拔雙語詩集
作者 | 羅拔 |
出版社 | 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司國家書店松江門市 |
商品描述 | 詩眠集: 羅拔雙語詩集:《詩眠集》精選了詩人羅拔近十五年的雙語詩作,題材涵蓋日常生活、社會新聞、夢境、神話、文學、電影、音樂等等,是作者經過種種人生歷練並反芻後的 |
作者 | 羅拔 |
出版社 | 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司國家書店松江門市 |
商品描述 | 詩眠集: 羅拔雙語詩集:《詩眠集》精選了詩人羅拔近十五年的雙語詩作,題材涵蓋日常生活、社會新聞、夢境、神話、文學、電影、音樂等等,是作者經過種種人生歷練並反芻後的 |
內容簡介 《詩眠集》精選了詩人羅拔近十五年的雙語詩作,題材涵蓋日常生活、社會新聞、夢境、神話、文學、電影、音樂等等,是作者經過種種人生歷練並反芻後的集大成之作。作者善用中英雙語的「意象」、「音韻」,並以戲謔、幽默的語氣觀照世界的運行。A year passed like a morning pissYou don't want to face itAnd you won't miss itBut you must do itSo just get up, let the rain dropAnd make a wish to Niagara Falls--A New Year's Song一年如晨尿流逝不想面對也不會懷念終得執行一次起床了,讓雨落下朝尼加拉瓜瀑布許個願吧--〈新年之歌〉他擅以現實投射意象概念,並以客觀呈現主觀體驗。全書分為兩大部分:第一輯【無眠大地】是作者人生經驗的抽象化,從主觀體驗而來的客觀呈現;第二輯【無夢天堂】是作者從現實描寫中,投射到意識思維的抽象世界,有個人的經歷、想像、思考,亦有更深入的意識抽象化的表達。
作者介紹 ■作者簡介羅拔本名陳正立。二十歲開始用中文與英文寫詩,詩作深受西洋電影、搖滾樂、文學作品影響,為英國搖滾音樂家大衛鮑伊(David Bowie)的忠實粉絲,期許自己的作品能具備其「變色龍」的不羈特質。中英詩作散見《秋水詩刊》、《乾坤詩刊》、《台灣詩學季刊》、《野薑花詩集》、《有荷文學雜誌》等,現為中華民國新詩學會成員。
產品目錄 總序/蘇紹連推薦序/余學林推薦序/袁鶴翔推薦序/綠蒂自序Part 1: Land Without Sleep輯一.無眠大地Who Steals My Sleep?誰偷走我的睡眠?A Personal Statement個人論點Crows鴉The Murder Ballad殺戮歌謠Sashimi生魚片Street Cats野貓Vow誓The White Wine白酒Stars星辰Salmon: The Migration鮭魚:遷徙The Wall牆Sister Leaving Home小妹離家Gradually漸Dream #10夢境之十Something Anything某些事,任何事Ann安The Abattoir屠宰場Losing Weights減肥Cake蛋糕Hint暗示Cooking下廚The Small House小屋A Drunk Ballad醉之謠The Gambler賭徒Parting離Twins雙生A New Year’s Song新年之歌Garbage Bag垃圾袋Zen禪說The Fictional Lover雲端情人Gone逝The Copyist臨摹者Amour愛慕The Whistling Kettle鳴笛水壺My Babe Monster-To Thesis我的妖怪娃娃-致論文The Siren海妖Now That We Shall Part別離此刻Mimicry擬態輯二.無夢天堂Part 2: Heaven Without Dream悅讀Reading煙Smoke甜食怪Dessert Monster暈Faint詩奴Slave of Poetry潛行者The Stalker雙弦Two Strings終曲The End《預言者保羅之書》-獻給章魚哥保羅與2010世足Book for Paul the Prophet-Dedicated to Paul the Octopus and World Cup 2010紅流-悼辭世的祖父母The Red Flood-In memory of my departed grandparents中年Middle Age花Flowers捉迷藏Seek and Hide夜襲The Night Attack除濕機Dehumidifier標點The Punctuation重逢The Reunion浪漫Romantic突變Transformation孩子The Child臉Face末日The Day the World Ends變形記-致宅男Metamorphosis-To An Otaku鳥-致捐血Bird-To Blood Donation怪物的孩子The Monster’s Child後記Epilogue
書名 / | 詩眠集: 羅拔雙語詩集 |
作者 / | 羅拔 |
簡介 / | 詩眠集: 羅拔雙語詩集:《詩眠集》精選了詩人羅拔近十五年的雙語詩作,題材涵蓋日常生活、社會新聞、夢境、神話、文學、電影、音樂等等,是作者經過種種人生歷練並反芻後的 |
出版社 / | 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司國家書店松江門市 |
ISBN13 / | 9789863266709 |
ISBN10 / | 9863266701 |
EAN / | 9789863266709 |
誠品26碼 / | 2681747600005 |
頁數 / | 184 |
注音版 / | 否 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 94:中 英對照 |
尺寸 / | 21X14.8X0CM |
級別 / | N:無 |
重量(g) / | 262g |
最佳賣點 : ★ 善用中英雙語的「意象」、「音韻」,以戲謔、幽默的語氣觀照世界的運行。
★ 名人推薦——余學林(奧克蘭大學生物醫學博士、詩人)、綠蒂(《秋水詩刊》發行人兼主編、詩人)、袁鶴翔(前香港中文大學英文系系主任、東吳大學英文系講座教授)
自序 : 總序 台灣詩學吹鼓吹詩人叢書出版緣起/蘇紹連
二○一八.十二.三十一 於新北
推薦序 : 推薦序/余學林
英文內容「All the night/All our eyes shine/On the sky named website」中,可見到前兩句使用「首語重複法」(Anaphora),但中文內容「整個夜晚/我們的雙眼閃爍/在名為網頁的天空」,前兩句為求語順而放棄這樣的技法。英文後兩句使用「非全韻」(Imperfect rhyme),中文後兩句則是用「爍」與「空」這兩個不合格押韻則實音近的方式處理。
《孩子/The Child》展現出中英文之間的差異性與互補性,中文內容其中一句「怒吼酒瓶玻璃瘀青」,乍看之下是一連串的蒙太奇,但當看見英文內容的「Winebottlesbrokenglassbruisesscreams」,才驚覺有這樣的急躁與壓迫感。雖然中文沒有類似的呈現手法,但是一個「漢字」中所蘊含的訊息量,用很少的空間傳達出很多的意思。「拭淚」、「什麼是家?」相較於「he wipes his tears」、「What is home to him?」而言,就顯得較為簡短,當然這也與英文文法非常需要主詞存在於一個完整的句子有關。
二○一九.一.二十一 於奧克蘭
Foreword/Lennex Hsueh-Lin Yu
It has been around 18 years since I started writing poetry and 6 years since I started working as a translator. And my full-time job is a medical science researcher. I have experiences in many things, but never an expert in anything. I guess I am happy with that. Receiving the invitation from Rob to write the foreword for his poetry collection is a great honour and a worrying responsibility.
To start, I would like to talk about “bilingual poetry”.
A broad definition of “bilingual poetry” is one single poem with two different language versions. If this definition holds true, what then are the differences between “bilingual poetry” and “translated poetry”? I think one definition or type of “bilingual poetry” may be “the flow of consciousness of a single poet interpreted in two different languages”. Perhaps such creation can be called “independent bilingual poetry”, whereas that is created by two or more participants may be called “accompanied bilingual poetry”. A proper definition requires time to brew, and for the time being let us accept the aforementioned definition.
The “source” of poetry exists in the mind, of which the poet “sees” and uses two languages to bring forth the abstract into physical existence of “bilingual poetry”. As each pair of poems is written by the same poet, even if there are differences in the poetry, they should be tolerable (due to the invincibility of authorship) and sometimes they may complement each other.
I shall use a couple of examples below to discuss Rob’s bilingual poetry.
“Stars/星辰” consists of merely three lines. While simple, it bears deep meanings, contains an introduction, elucidation of the theme, transition and a conclusion, and demonstrates the freedom a bilingual poet has. In the first line, the scene is set at “night”, followed by “our eyes shine”, hinting as if we are looking at the starry night sky. However, the last line reveals that our eyes are shining “on the sky named website”. Our eyes are in fact the stars. The change between subject and object creates tension in this poem.
In the English version, “All the night/All our eyes shine/On the sky named website”, we can see the use of anaphora in the first two lines, which was abandoned by the poet in the Chinese version (“整個夜晚/我們的雙眼閃爍/在名為網頁的天空”) for the sake of fluency. Imperfect rhyme was used in the second and third line of the English version, whereas in the Chinese version, non-rhyming but similar-sounding characters “爍 (shuò)” and “空 (kong)” were used to accommodate for imperfect rhyme.
“孩子/The Child” demonstrated the variability and complementarity between Chinese and English. In the Chinese version, one line wrote “怒吼酒瓶玻璃瘀青”, which seems like the use of montage. It is not until we see the English version “Winebottlesbrokenglassbruisesscreams” that we realized the irritability and pressure. Although such technique cannot be applied in Chinese, the Chinese characters are complex units that contain larger amount of information in the same space used. “拭淚” and “什麼是家?” seem more compact than “he wipes his tears” and “What is home to him?” respectively. Of course, it also has to do with the necessity of a subject in a complete sentence in English grammar.
Since Rob asked me to write the foreword for him, then surely, he had prepared to see some statistics on his poetry collection.
Chinese characters
Standard deviation: 41
Median: 35
Minimum: 11
Maximum: 294
English words
Mean: 48
Standard deviation: 57
Median: 46
Minimum: 10
Maximum: 204
Based on the statistics, it is known that occasionally Rob writes longer poems, but the vast majority of his work are short poems, easily digestible even for busy white-collars.
Rob is a gentleman with immanent passion. His poems are simple yet sometimes bring you surprises. He writes about life, movies, personal feelings. Sometimes he commemorates his family members and sometimes he depicts the society. His poems are sometimes heart-warming, sometimes funny, and sometimes, straight-up horrifying. During the day, he carries a bag of glass bottles to collect different kinds of soils from all around the world. At night he plants different seeds twice in each kind of soil. And that is the poetry collection you are holding.
There are few poets in this world, let alone bilingual poets. How many will there be in Taiwan? Well, Rob is one of the dedicated few. It is said in Chinese “ten years to make a sword”. This day would come eventually, even for the humblest poet. I have been honoured to witness Rob’s epiphany. I believe Rob will keep on writing, and we will keep on reading.
Here we are at the entrance. Welcome to Rob’s garden of poetry.
21st January 2019 in Auckland
正立的詩集共分兩大部,一為「無眠大地」,第二部是「無夢天堂」,第一部分主題是人生經驗的抽象化,有主觀經驗的客觀呈現,如〈小妹離家〉一詩中的表述,亦有現代詩中著重純「意象」的描述,如〈鴉〉這首詩即是。後者令人憶起休姆(Hulme)的〈泊橋上〉(Above the Dock)一詩中,對「意象」的著筆。第二部分是從現實描寫中,投射到意識思維的抽象世界,有個人的經歷、想像、思考,亦有更深入的意識抽象化的表達,如〈中年〉一首即是。可是一、二這部又不是那麼經緯分明;二者是相互交替地呈現出個人心靈的感受和客觀世界,雖「分」而又「合」的一種境界,既是主觀的,又是客觀的詩的創作和描述。這是難得的成就,這是詩。
二○一九‧二月 於高雄
Foreword/YUAN, Heh-Hsiang
Words create two most enduring impressions in our mind and make us stretch our imagination to an immense vision which embraces both reality and beyond.
Nothing can catch for us this ingenious combination of the world outside of us and that inside us. Poetry is one measure that enables us to experience such wonder.
For those who write poetry, word means sound and image. Sound gives us the musicality of language, and word the shape of things. Often, the two combine to give us, the reader, a sharpened sense of sound and sight; they echo the throe of our feelings and quicken the pace of our mental pulse. Rob’s poems give us just that, the world within and the world without; yet, the two are intricately and delicately balanced. In part one, “Land without Sleep”, we feel the personal through a recollection of parting emotions between the loved ones. There is a sense of sorrow as a brother parts with a sister, a lover with a love, youthful innocence with aging experience. Life is a journey from one end to the other. In part two, “Heaven without Dream”, the theme embraces more; there is hope unfulfilled or dreams unrealized.
The tone varies with the theme of each poem, thus variability becomes tuneful changes as the poetic motif develops with each poem.
In modern poetry, the attention catcher is not sound but image. If we accept the revolutionary turn in modern poetry by citing Hulme’s “Above the Dock”, we find in Rob’s work, “Crows”, a familiar emphasis. “A thousand dark refugees/Howling, crushing the setting sun” remind us just a similar imagistic vividness. That is poetry also. The two, sentiment and image, are both found in Rob’s collection of poems.
As a young poet, this is quite an achievement. I congratulate Rob on his good work and look forward to more of them in the future.
February 2019 in Kaohsiung
內文 : 〈Who Steals My Sleep?〉
A rest is too short to take
A night is too long to stay
Could we be honest
To define a sleep as an escape
And we have stocked daily anxieties
To scare away dreams
So I call myself a thief stealing my sleep
〈A Personal Statement〉
A poet writes for love
A love he can not take on
So he writes on
And his life goes on
Until this love is gone
So you might easily find out
A good poem about love
Is too ideal to be real
And it becomes a classic
And a little bit tragic
For you can neither touch nor taste
A thousand dark refugees
Howling, crushing the setting sun