台北來的信 | 誠品線上


作者 蕭佳芸
出版社 楨彥有限公司
商品描述 台北來的信:"Thisbookhitsthenoteofmelancholy,lyricism,andwhimsythatalwaysgetsmeinmyfavoriteart.Ilovedthepacing,thewaysilencesopenupinit,thewaycolorbecomesamarke


內容簡介 "This book hits the note of melancholy, lyricism, and whimsy that always gets me in my favorite art. I loved the pacing, the way silences open up in it, the way color becomes a marker of selfhood in a grey alienated world, and the heartache in the final wish that the letter finds its way home (wherever that is)."“本書聲調和諧,含蓄蘊藉,情景交融,藉色彩表達作者在一灰色異鄉的清愁,而以前路黯然,信落何方抒離情別緒,深契我喜愛藉詩歌表達幽渺情懷的藝術境界。"-Srikanth (Chicu) Reddy, 美國芝加哥大學英國文學教授 Voyager 作者“以詩人的細膩來發掘人文的情趣。她以相機代筆,攝取那些足以使她感動的點點滴滴,⋯⋯,可是只要沉下心來,你會體會到鏡頭下可以開拓的心靈境界,是一個出乎你想像之外的天地。"-漢寶德


作者介紹 ■作者簡介蕭佳芸Irene HsiaoIrene Hsiao received her education in literature and science on scholarships at UC Berkeley and the University of Chicago. Her poetry has appeared in Word Riot, elimae, and A Clean Well-Lighted Place. Her critical writing has been published in the Cambridge Quarterly, Victorian Poetry, Literary Imagination, and Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States. She has received a Louis Martz Prize from the William Carlos Williams Society and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She took these photos while teaching in the English department at National Taipei University of Technology..美國加州柏克萊大學畢業.芝加哥大學英國文學博士.詩歌創作刊載於 Word Riot, elimae, 及 A Clean Well-Lighted Place, 並獲提名 Pushcart 獎。.學術論文發表於 Cambridge Quarterly, Victorian Poetry, Literary Imagination, 及 Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States 等專刊。.曾獲William Carlos Williams學會 Louis Martz 獎。本書照片為作者任教於台北科技大學英國文學系時所攝。


書名 / 台北來的信
作者 / 蕭佳芸
簡介 / 台北來的信:"Thisbookhitsthenoteofmelancholy,lyricism,andwhimsythatalwaysgetsmeinmyfavoriteart.Ilovedthepacing,thewaysilencesopenupinit,thewaycolorbecomesamarke
出版社 / 楨彥有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789866000928
ISBN10 / 9866000923
EAN / 9789866000928
誠品26碼 / 2680844059006
頁數 / 128
開數 / 25K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
級別 / N:無
