外商.百大英文面試勝經 | 誠品線上


作者 薛詠文
出版社 時報文化出版企業股份有限公司
商品描述 外商.百大英文面試勝經:【本書特色】外商主管15年實戰經驗指引高頻問題、答題撇步和最佳擬答,說出雇主最想聽到的錄取關鍵,YouareHired!學、經歷都漂亮,好不容易獲得


內容簡介 外商主管15 年實戰經驗指引 高頻問題、答題撇步 和 最佳擬答, 說出雇主最想聽到的錄取關鍵,You are Hired! 學、經歷都漂亮, 好不容易獲得頂尖企業面談機會, 卻總敗在英文面試,和百萬年薪擦身而過? 第一本外商主管公開的英文面談勝出密技, 微軟、YAHOO!、HTC、台積電、華航等頂尖企業,英文面試都問這些! 這樣答,熱門工作搶著要你,薪水三級跳! 本書作者在微軟企業及跨國貿易公司工作近十五年,以100 % 貼近外商工作現場的角度,盡可能蒐集外商雇主面談時會提及的多樣化問題,並針對問題類型作仔細的歸納整理。除了讓求職者對外商公司或百大企業面談進行方式和提問內容有完整概念,每道題目並提供最佳擬答答題撇步指引,供求職者模仿演練,同步提升面談IQ與英語表達力,成功用英文推銷自己,順利取得夢想工作。 ■ 3 大面試必通戰略,立即博得好感,脫穎而出! 面談時開口閉口都是I want…、.I prefer… 只關心個人期望?從雇主的角度出發才是錄取關鍵!本書披露頂尖企業面試情資,帶你先搞懂雇主最在意的事,再逐步教戰面試準備策略及面試當日的dos and don’ts,照著作,立即飆升好感度和專業度! ■ 100大面試高頻問題及最佳擬答,靈活套用,完美演出! 下面這些頂尖企業面試經典考題,你有把握用英文完整表達,且讓主考官留下深刻印象嗎? ■ Do you consider yourself successful? 你認為自己是成功的人嗎? ■ Why did you leave your last job? 你離開上一個工作的原因為何? ■ What was the biggest accomplishment in your last position? 你上一個工作最大的成就為何? ■ What is the most useful criticism you’ve received? 你受到過最有幫助的批評為何? ■ Are you willing to put the interests of the company ahead of your own? 你是否會把公司利益擺在個人利益之前? ■ If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you be looking for? 若要你雇用一個人來做這份工作, 你會找哪種特質的人? 本書作者除披露外商及百大企業雇主最愛問的、最在乎的關鍵問題,從最常被問到的長處弱點、專長技能、最近讀過的書,最棘手的個人盲點、離職原因、希望待遇,到發現老闆作錯決定的假設問題,或是中樂透頭獎時是否會立刻退休等機智問答,每道問題還提供了範例擬答及答題指引,讓你精準說出面試管最想聽的關鍵答案。每單元規劃有: 「Tips面試一點通」:為答題撇步指引,教你如何秀出絕佳反應和巧妙避開禁忌。 「有力簡答」和「深入詳答」:為範例擬答,可因應個人英語能力或面談當時狀況彈性運用。 「個人擬答空間」:學習好用句型及字彙寫下自己的答案,循序演練強化面試IQ及英文表達力。。 ■ 100% 擬真面談MP3,熟習各主題用語,練出臨場反應力! 由外籍專業錄音員模擬面談問答情境,反覆聆聽,熟習專業用語及應答口吻,練出面談絕佳反應力。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介薛詠文美國紐澤西州 FDU 理學碩士曾任台灣微軟通路行銷經理,以及數家科技貿易公司,具多年跨國企業實務經驗。在職期間負責與資訊產業領導廠商洽談合作、統籌高科技軟體產品之行銷規劃,以及分析客戶需求並提供相關解決方案。現任登峰美語機構名師,教授新多益及商業英文課程,擅長以淺顯易懂的方式,幫助學生於短時間內突破學習障礙,提升英語實力。具英國劍橋大學 TKT 教師認證考試最高級 Band4 資格國內多所大專院校新多益課程講師TOEIC® 測驗連續六次滿分紀錄保持人(紀錄持續更新中)Quentin Brand台積電、廣達電、宏達電、趨勢科技、Ben Q、美國運通、匯豐銀行、AIG、中國信託、台灣證交所、惠氏藥廠……等百大企業爭相邀約的教父級英文講師。20 年商務英文教學經驗,專為上班族量身打造的字串學習法,幫助忙碌的商務人士利用有限時間大幅提升英文活用能力。廣受業界好評,爭相延攬為企業培訓講師。【關於MP3】收錄全書英文面試問題及範例擬答,包括「有力簡答」與「深入詳答」,由專業母語人士親聲錄製。時間約100分,容量約104 MB。


產品目錄 推薦序前言目錄本書使用說明Section 1你一定要知道的面試策略 ■ 顧主最在意的事 ■ 面試前的準備功課 ■ 面試時該做與不該做的事 Section 2 英文面試一定要會回答的100 個問題 Part 1 開場寒暄用語—關鍵 90 秒 Part 2 關於申請者本身的問題:背景∕特質 Q1. Tell me more about yourself. Please introduce yourself. 請介紹一下自己。Q2. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 你的長處與弱點為何?Q3. What are your strongest skills?你最擅長的技能是什麼?Q4. How do you work under pressure? How do you handle stress? 您如何在有壓力的環境下工作? 你的抗壓性如何?Q5. How many foreign languages can you speak?你會講幾種外語?Q6. What is your work style? 你的工作風格為何?Q7. What are your hobbies and interests? 你的興趣和喜好為何?Q8. Describe a mistake you made before and how you overcame it. 請描述你曾犯過的一個錯誤和你如何化解它。Q9. What have you learned from your mistakes? 你從所犯的錯誤學到什麼?Q10. Are you willing to travel? Are you willing to relocate? 你是否願意出差?∕你是否願意被調派到其他地區?Q11. What motivates you to do your best on the job?什麼誘因會讓你在工作上全力以赴?Q12. What are you passionate about?你對什麼事有熱情?Q13. What qualities do you look for in a boss?你心目中的老闆特質為何?Q14. How do you determine priorities in scheduling your time?在規劃時間時您如何決定事情的重要順序?Q15. What do you usually do during the weekend?你週末通常會做些什麼?Q16. What do you do to keep healthy?你都做什麼來維持健康?Q17. What do people most often criticize about you?你周遭的人都如何評論你?Q18. Do you prefer to work independently or as part of a team?你比較喜歡單獨作業還是團隊工作?Q19. What type of work environment do you prefer?你偏好哪種工作環境?Q20. How do you evaluate success?你如何評斷成功?Q21. Do you consider yourself successful?你認為自己是成功的人嗎?Q22. What do your co-workers say about you?你的同事如何看你?Q23. Tell me about your dream job.說說你理想中的工作。Q24. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?你拒絕跟哪種人共事?Q25. What kind of person would you prefer to work with?你偏好跟哪種人共事?Q26. In what summer jobs have you been most interested? Why?你做過最感興趣的暑期打工之工作為何?原因為何?Q27. What has disappointed you about a job?在工作中什麼事曾讓你沮喪?Q28. Give me an idea of how you spend a typical work day.請描述你平日一天的工作排程.Q29. Do you have any blind spots? 你有什麼盲點嗎?Q30. What were the last three books you read?你近日讀了哪三本書?Part 3關於過去求學與工作的問題:表現∕經驗 Q31. Why did you leave your last job? Why did you quit your job? 你離開∕辭去上一個工作的原因為何?Q32. Describe your work experience, and what is your most significant accomplishment?請簡述你的工作經驗。另外,你最大的工作成就為何?Q33. Will you take extra work home with you? 你會將額外的工作帶回家做嗎?Q34. What has been your experience in giving presentations? 你做簡報的經驗為何?Q35. What major problems have you faced and how did you handle them?你遇到過最大的問題為何?你是如何處理的?Q36. What do you like or dislike about your previous job? 你喜歡或不喜歡上個工作的什麼部分?Q37. What was the biggest accomplishment in your last position? 你上一個工作最大的成就為何?Q38. What steps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision? 你在做決定之前會採取什麼步驟來研究問題?Q39. How did your previous company achieve an advantage over its competitors? 你之前的公司如何發揮優勢並贏過競爭對手?Q40. Tell me a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer. How did you handle the situation? 描述你跟難纏的客戶打交道的經驗。你是如何處理的?Q41. What were your responsibilities? 你之前負責什麼事務?Q42. What are the core skills needed to manage a team? 要管理好團隊的核心技巧有哪些?Q43. What was it like working for your previous supervisor? 跟你的前任主管共事是什麼感覺?Q44. Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager? 你和主管共事有過問題嗎?Q45. What have you been doing since your last job? 從你上份工作離職後,你都在做些什麼?Q46. What academic classes and training courses have you taken that have prepared you for this job? 你之前上過什麼課或受過何種訓練讓你可勝任這份工作?Q47. What do you bring to the table in terms of skills in customer interaction? 在跟客戶互動方面你最擅長的技巧是什麼?Q48. What specific experiences do you have in conflict resolution? 你解決衝突的具體經驗為何?Q49. Why have you decided to seek a position in this field? 什麼因素驅使你往這領域發展?Q50. What is the most useful criticism you’ve received? What did you learn from it? 你受到過最有幫助的批評為何?你從當中學到什麼?Q51. Recently we’ve heard a lot about Customer Relationship Management, or CRM.Do you know what it is? 最近我們常聽到人們提到“CRM”一詞,你知道那是什麼嗎? Q52. Do you think advertising is the best way to promote a new product? 你是否認為廣告是推廣新產品的最佳方式?Q53. Tell me about when you have felt like giving up on a task. 請描述你曾想過放棄任務的情況。Q54. What are the most important rewards you expect to gain from your career? 你最期待從工作中獲得什麼重要的回報?Q55. Why have you worked for so many companies in a short period of time? 你為什麼在短期內換過這麼多工作?Q56. How would you describe empowerment? And how do you think employees can be empowered? 你如何解釋 「授權」?你認為員工應如何被授權?Q57. What is more important to you: the money or the work? 對你而言,金錢和工作孰重?Q58. What specific goals have you set for your career? 你對自己的職涯設立什麼樣的目標?Q59. I see from your CV that you worked at ABC non-profit organization. How was that experience? 我在履歷表上看到你曾在ABC非營利機構工作過。那是什麼樣的經驗?Q60. What are your starting and final levels of compensation?你最初和後來的薪資水準為何?Part 4 關於未來工作的問題:發展∕期望 Q61. What do you know about our organization? 你對我們公司認識多少?Q62. What kinds of problems do you enjoy solving? 你擅長處理哪一類問題?Q63. What plans do you have for continued study? 你打算如何繼續進修?Q64. What do you see yourself doing in five years? 你五年後想變成什麼樣的人?Q65. If hired, when can you start work? 若錄取了, 何時可以上班?Q66. Are you willing to put the interests of the company ahead of your own? 你會把公司利益擺在個人利益之前嗎?Q67. What short-term objectives have you established for yourself? 你為自己設的短期目標為何?Q68. How do you plan to achieve these objectives? 你打算怎麼做才能達成這些目標?Q69. What interests you about this job? 你對此工作感興趣的部分為何?Q70. What challenges are you looking for in this position? 你預期會面臨到此工作的挑戰為何?Q71. Do you think you should be more like others, or do you think you should be different from everyone else in order to succeed? 你認為要成功的話, 你應該跟大家一樣, 還是要與眾不同?Q72. How long do you expect to remain employed with our company? 你預期會在本公司待多久?Q73. Tell me why you are the best candidate for this job. Can you give us a reason to hire you? 請說明你為什麼是這份工作的最佳人選。能否給我們雇用你的理由?Q74. Are you active in community affairs? If so, please describe your participation. 你積極參與社區公共活動嗎? 若有的話,請描述你是如何參與的。Q75. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?你認為自己是領導人才還是部屬人才?Q76. What is the most important thing our company can do to help you achieve your objectives?我們公司可幫你達成目標可以做的最重要的事?Q77. In what ways do you think the IT industry should change in order to be more competitive?你認為 IT 產業要做哪些個改變才能更有競爭優勢?Q78. If you could change something about your previous company, what would it be? 若你可以改變之前公司的某些事,你會想改變什麼?Q79. How do you see this position being different from your past jobs? 你覺得此工作和你前份工作有什麼不同點?Q80. What skills or qualities do you think are important in this position? 你認為要做好此工作要有什麼技能或特質?Q81. Tell me about the salary range you are seeking. 請告知你希望待遇的範圍。Q82. If you knew your boss was 100% wrong about something, how would you handle it? 若你知道你老闆對某事完成的判斷錯誤,你會如何處理?Q83. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience? 你打算如何補足經驗不足的部分?Q84. Do you think you are overqualified for this position? 你會不會認為這份工作對你來說是大材小用?Q85. What are some of the things you find difficult? Why? 你做什麼樣事情覺得有困難? 為什麼?Q86. Do you know anyone who works at our company? 你認識我們公司的任何員工嗎?Q87. Are you applying for other jobs? 你是否同時還在找其他工作?Q88. What will you do if you don’t get this position? 若沒得到此工作,你的下一步為何?Q89. Is there anything else you would like to tell us? 你還有什麼想補充的嗎?Q90. Do you have any questions for me? 你有沒有任何想問我的問題?Part 5情境假設與機智問題 Q91. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you? 假使你有足夠的前可以退休, 你是否會現在就退休?Q92. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you be looking for? 若要你雇用一個人來做這份工作, 你會找哪種特質的人?Q93. What is your definition of success? 你對成功的定義為何?Q94. Do you prefer to live in a small town or a big city? 你喜歡住在小鎮上還是大都市?Q95. Do you tell the truth? 你總是說實話嗎?Q96. How do you deal with office politics and gossip? 你如何面對辦公室政治和八卦?Q97. Do you tend to speak to people before they speak to you? 你是否會在別人跟你交談之前就先跟人攀談?Q98. A client calls you with a question and you don’t have the answer, what do you do? 如果有客戶打電話給你提了一個你無法回答的問題,你會怎麼辦?Q99. What is your philosophy towards work? 你對工作的理念為何?Q100. When an issue is raised during a meeting, do you tend to jump right in and offer your opinion or sit back and think it through before you talk? 在會議中某個議題被提出時,你傾向馬上加入討論並提供自己的看法?還是會先仔細思考然後再發言?Part 6 應徵者適合提出的問題與結束感謝用語■ 應徵者適合提出的問題 Q1. Do you offer opportunities for training? 貴公司是否提供教育訓練的機會?Q2. How do you evaluate employees? 貴公司如何評核員工績效?Q3. How much travel is involved in this position? 這個職位者出差的頻率為何?Q4. May I know when you plan to make a hiring decision? 我想知道貴公司何時會做錄取決定?Q5. Is the position based in Singapore, Hong Kong, or Taipei? 此職缺是在新加坡、香港,還是台北?Q6. Are salary adjustments geared to the cost of living or job performance? 薪資調整是依據市場狀況還是個人表現?Q7. Does your company encourage further education? 貴公司鼓勵在職繼續進修嗎?Q8. Is this a new position or am I replacing someone? 此工作是新職缺還是有人離職?Q9. Do you fill positions from the outside or promote from within first? 貴公司有職缺的話是從外面找人還是由內部人員提拔?Q10. Could you describe your company’s management style?可以請您描述一下貴公司的管理風格嗎?■ 結束感謝用語Section 3 面試好用詞彙補給1. 描述個人特質2. 說明興趣喜好3. 說明進修規劃4. 說明個人經驗附錄 履歷表、求職信及後續追蹤信件範例履歷表 (Curriculum Vitae)範例 1 範例 2 範例 3 求職信 (Cover Letter)範例 1 範例 2 範例 3 後續追蹤信 (Follow-up Letter)範例 1 範例 2


書名 / 外商.百大英文面試勝經
作者 / 薛詠文
簡介 / 外商.百大英文面試勝經:【本書特色】外商主管15年實戰經驗指引高頻問題、答題撇步和最佳擬答,說出雇主最想聽到的錄取關鍵,YouareHired!學、經歷都漂亮,好不容易獲得
出版社 / 時報文化出版企業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789577299352
ISBN10 / 9577299350
EAN / 9789577299352
誠品26碼 / 2680803199002
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 17X23CM
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /