英文閱讀特訓班: 中級篇 (全新修訂版) | 誠品線上

英文閱讀特訓班: 中級篇 (全新修訂版)

作者 希伯崙編輯團隊
出版社 聯灃書報社有限公司
商品描述 英文閱讀特訓班: 中級篇 (全新修訂版):循序漸進掌握閱讀技巧,讓你輕鬆看懂各種類型的英文文章!本書引導讀者透過閱讀多元主題的文章來掌握重要的閱讀技巧,並提供大量的


內容簡介 循序漸進掌握閱讀技巧,讓你輕鬆看懂各種類型的英文文章! 本書引導讀者透過閱讀多元主題的文章來掌握重要的閱讀技巧,並提供大量的文章讓讀者練習閱讀與回答閱讀測驗的題目。循序漸進的規畫讓讀者可以活用書中學到的閱讀技巧,學會如何理解文意並掌握文章重點,不再害怕各項英文考試中的閱讀測驗。 此外,本書的閱讀測驗題目採混合題型,包括選擇、表格填空或簡答等兩種以上的作答方式,除了測驗讀者能否理解文意脈絡、擷取文本重要訊息和進行分析推理等閱讀理解能力外,還要訓練讀者系統思考、解決問題、溝通表達與符號運用的能力,以期能符合108課綱所重視之素養教育的精神。


產品目錄 Section 1: Acquiring Reading Skills Unit 1: Sports News in Brief Unit 2: Singapore─Your Next Travel Destination Unit 3: CAP Electronics of America Inc. 2021 Annual Profit Report Unit 4: Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw Unit 5: An Introduction to Classification in Biology Unit 6: Head over Heels for a Spanish Beauty Unit 7: The Good Food Blog Unit 8: Refugees—Burden, Threat, or Opportunity? Section 2: Putting Your Skills into Practice Unit 1: Checking In: Fun or Fuss? Unit 2: The Earth in Crisis Unit 3: Fireflies: The Light of Nature Unit 4: To Buy or Not to Buy: The Organic Food Debate Unit 5: Parkour: The Art of Movement Unit 6: Richard Wagner: Music and the Man Unit 7: Do Animals Have a Moral Nature? Unit 8: Hunger Marketing: Can a Short-Term Strategy Create Long-Term Success? Unit 9: Where Have All the Bees Gone? Unit 10: Can Slacktivism Lead to Social Change? Unit 11: Pushing Back Unit 12: To Cheat or Not to Cheat? Unit 13: Anya Taylor-Joy: Long Live the Queen Unit 14: Fair Trade: Leveling the Playing Field Unit 15: A Feast of Colors Unit 16: Surrounded by Medicine Unit 17: Where Did the Memories Go? Unit 18: Keep Calm and Drive On: Controlling Road Rage Unit 19: Getting a Fix on Processed Food Addiction Unit 20: Don’t Forget to Wear Green! Unit 21: A Dirty Little War Unit 22: The Real Scoop on Ice Cream Unit 23: Henry Cavill: Bringing Superman to Life Unit 24: The Long Road to Victory Unit 25: Malta: A Tiny Country with a Lot of History Unit 26: The Louvre-Lens: A New Museum Experience Unit 27: Nuts! I’m Allergic! Unit 28: Pop-Up Book Magic Unit 29: Knot to Be: Fun Facts about Pretzels Unit 30: Almost Good Enough to Eat Unit 31: Vanity Height: The Race for the Tallest Unit 32: Surprising Geography Facts Unit 33: Crying for Health Unit 34: When Will the Earth Shake Next? Unit 35: Escape to Naples Unit 36: The Real Price of Palm Oil Unit 37: It Happened While You Slept Unit 38: Trust in a Digital Age Unit 39: Traditions of Love Unit 40: Supplements: Health Wonders or Hype? Unit 41: Elon Musk: Building a Path to Humanity’s Future Unit 42: How Sweet It Is! Unit 43: Building and Maintaining Muscle Unit 44: Black: The Enduring Fashion Unit 45: Chipping Away at Winter’s Gloom Unit 46: Swamp Thing! Unit 47: Putting a Stop to Hoarding Unit 48: Viva Italia! Unit 49: The History of Vaccines Unit 50: What’s in a Skyscraper? Unit 51: Internet Vigilantism Unit 52: Share and Share Alike─Is Food Sharing the Answer to Kitchen Leftovers?


書名 / 英文閱讀特訓班: 中級篇 (全新修訂版)
作者 / 希伯崙編輯團隊
簡介 / 英文閱讀特訓班: 中級篇 (全新修訂版):循序漸進掌握閱讀技巧,讓你輕鬆看懂各種類型的英文文章!本書引導讀者透過閱讀多元主題的文章來掌握重要的閱讀技巧,並提供大量的
出版社 / 聯灃書報社有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789864416394
ISBN10 / 9864416391
EAN / 9789864416394
誠品26碼 / 2682152270005
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 26X19CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 新書推薦
