Live Interactive Chinese互動華語 6 (附CD 光碟) | 誠品線上

Live Interactive Chinese互動華語 6 (附CD 光碟)

出版社 聯灃書報社有限公司
商品描述 Live Interactive Chinese互動華語 6 (附CD 光碟):《Live互動華語》利用數位多媒體學習模式,每月按照一定的學習進度,為華語學習者規劃最實用的生活會話,淺顯易懂的圖解


內容簡介 《Live互動華語》利用數位多媒體學習模式,每月按照一定的學習進度,為華語學習者規劃最實用的生活會話,淺顯易懂的圖解字典以及生動有趣的漢字劇場。此外,也介紹流行資訊,提供引人入勝的情境喜劇,以及獨具特色的亞洲視野。內容包含真人實境影片、動畫、圖解等豐富多樣的教材。讓零起點的華語學習者,擁有循序漸進的華語課程,從基礎的生活華語課程,到進階的職場華語。 循序漸進教材結構教授實用中文應用情境式學習法提供真人影片與3D動畫融合中華文化內含華語能力測驗考試 本書教材內含:叢書(包含發音、課文、語法句型與TOP- Huayu模擬測驗)朗讀CD(包含正常速度及慢速朗讀)


產品目錄 Unit 1: 發音一點通以深入詳實的角度,讓學習者了解發音部位及相關原則。在第六期中,我們將介紹中文拼音的基本原則。Chinese PronunciationAn in-depth introduction to Chinese pronunciation and pinyin. In the sixth volume, we will introduce the basic rules for Chinese pinyin. Unit 2:圖解字典以活潑生動的圖像呈現生詞意義,從視覺連結文字,達到輕鬆記憶的效果。本期將以日曆中相關內容為主題。Picture DictionaryA vivid illustration of vocabulary related to the main topic. By combining pictures and words, memorizing vocabulary becomes much easier. This volume introduces the calendar. Unit 3:必備華語精選日常生活中最實用的基礎短句,在進入本期的情境對話前,先熟悉主題的關鍵句。讀者在這一期中將學習到談論日期的相關實用句。Chinese BasicsFrequently used phrases from everyday life and useful sentences on current issues. In this month’s volume, readers learn practical phrases for talking about dates and times. Unit 4:生活輕喜劇以連續劇的方式模擬生活各種情境,提供零起點學習者最實用的華語會話,並以最自然的方式將華語融入到生活中。第六期中,莉莉的爸爸想約文正下棋,但文正似乎很忙…究竟會發生什麼事呢?同時我們也將從中學習與人約定時間的說法,以及練習「了」和「吧」的使用。SitcomDramatizations of everyday life situations. These include such topics as greetings, movies, and dating. In the sixth volume, Lily’s father wanted to play chess with Guangzhong. But Guangzhong seems to be very busy…What is going to happen? We will also learn how to make an appointment as well as practice 了(le) and 吧(ba). Unit 5:3D動畫劇以精細的3D動畫技術,提供新穎的視覺效果,建立寫實的場景,以趣味性的實用對話,在輕鬆的氣氛裡進行本期主題的延伸學習。在本期中,小莎和大山新的學期開始了,讓我們來看看他們準備上哪些新的課程,以及哪些新的活動!同時,我們還將學習到教室中相關設備的說法。3D Theater An extension of the main topic that uses 3D animation to create realistic scenes with interesting dialogue. In this volume, XiaoSha and Dashan are beginning a new term at school. Let’s see what classes they are going to take, and what activities they are going participate in. We also will learn about items in the classroom. Unit 6:脫口秀將本期學得的語法、例句,以生動活潑的歌曲或表演加以呈現。讓讀者在輕鬆歌唱和觀賞之餘,也能有效地加強記憶。本期脫口秀的主角大力與美麗將表演一段打電話的有趣影片。Talk ShowAn arrangement of grammatical points and example sentences in the form of a song or performance. This unit also introduces several aspects of Chinese culture. In this volume, our two friends Dali and Meili make a show about phone calls Unit 7:漢字劇場利用簡單的動畫效果,幫助學習者了解漢字的演變過程,藉以加深對漢字的印象,打破漢字難學的迷思。這一期將介紹「木」這個字。The Story of Chinese CharactersAn introduction to the development of Chinese characters. By associating Chinese characters to the picture-forms they evolved from, students will be able to better appreciate and remember them. In this volume, we introduce the characters for “tree.” Unit 8:句型寶典提供生活中必備的實用會話,經由反覆練習達到熟練的目的。這一期我們將一併複習前五期的問路實用句型。Sentence PatternsPractical conversation for daily life. This unit familiarizes students with useful phrases and gives background information on several tourist destinations. In this volume, we will review sentences from the previous five volumes on “asking directions”. Unit 9:亞洲視野介紹兩岸三地各具特色的美食,並以基本的會話學習最實用的點餐華語。第六期將介紹食物烹煮的方式,而美食焦點是季節進補。Asian AttractionsAn introduction to Chinese regional cuisine including practical Chinese to use in a restaurant or when talking about Chinese food. The sixth volume will introduce the methods of cooking and this month's focus is on “seasonal supplement”. Unit 10:發燒語精選最流行的詞彙,並延伸介紹相關的流行文化內容,讓讀者跟得上流行資訊。讀者在本期中將學習「哈啦」的流行語。What’s HotThis section focuses on terms from popular culture, new words and slang used by the younger generation. This volume focuses on a new way to say “chatting”. 補充:文化櫥窗以學習者的母語撰寫,介紹中華文化的特色,讓學習者深入瞭解中華文化,並建立華語學習的文化背景。第六期中將介紹中国人的传统三大節慶及曆書。Cultural WindowAn introduction written in the native language of the learners that covers important aspects of Chinese culture. The sixth volume will introduce three Ch traditional festivals and the calendar.


書名 / Live Interactive Chinese互動華語 6 (附CD 光碟)
作者 /
簡介 / Live Interactive Chinese互動華語 6 (附CD 光碟):《Live互動華語》利用數位多媒體學習模式,每月按照一定的學習進度,為華語學習者規劃最實用的生活會話,淺顯易懂的圖解
出版社 / 聯灃書報社有限公司
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 / 1863219919
EAN / 4711863219916
誠品26碼 / 2680329072001
頁數 / 80
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 21X28CM
級別 / N:無