菜英文: 生活應用篇 (附MP3) | 誠品線上

菜英文: 生活應用篇 (附MP3)

作者 張瑜凌
出版社 永續圖書有限公司
商品描述 菜英文: 生活應用篇 (附MP3):語言只是一種溝通的管道,就和每個人當初在學習母語的過程是一樣,語言得透過不斷的練習,增加使用技巧!但是當你學會了所有的英文單字、文法


內容簡介 開口說英文真簡單!學習任何語言都一樣,要能運用自如使用語言的方法很簡單:「只要你肯開口說」!語言只是一種溝通的管道,就和每個人當初在學習母語的過程是一樣,語言得透過不斷的練習,增加使用技巧!但是當你學會了所有的英文單字、文法後,卻仍舊不願意說出口,這和不會說英文的人是一樣的程度的,換言之,縱使沒有上過正式的英文學習課程,您仍舊可以透過自學的方式,掌握「開口說英文」的訣竅。本書「菜英文【生活應用篇】」是強調中文式發音的學習方式,透過中文的發音輔助您的英文音標發音,協助您開口說英文!此外,本書還附有MP3學習光碟,您可以跟隨外籍英文導讀師逐句唸誦,以加強英文發音的正確性。學習英文沒有訣竅,只要能夠每天撥出一段時間,堅持學習英文的毅力,就能讓英文程度日漸提升!


作者介紹 ■作者簡介張瑜凌


產品目錄 嗨,史考特!Hi, Scott. 嗨,你好!Hi, there. 早安!Good morning. 好久不見了!Long time no see. 你一點都沒變耶!You haven't changed at all. 你好嗎?How do you do? 你看起來氣色不錯嘛!You look great. 有事嗎?What's up? 發生什麼事了?What happened? 怎麼啦?What's wrong? 你發生什麼事了?What happened to you? 有什麼問題嗎?What's the problem? 有沒有問題?Any problem? 你還好吧?Are you OK? 我很好!I'm fine. 我是史考特。I'm Scott. 叫我崔西就好。Just call me Tracy. 這是我的太太崔西。This is my wife Tracy. 你叫什麼名字?What's your name? 我們以前不曾見過面。We have never met before. 你們彼此認識嗎?Do you know each other? 很高興認識你。Nice to meet you. 你(們)今晚忙嗎?Are you busy tonight? 要去看電影嗎?Would you like to see a movie? 找個時間我們一起吃午飯吧!Let's do lunch sometime. 要不要加入?Would you like to join me? 要來嗎?Do you want to come over? 把我算進去!Count me in. 你要參加或退出?In or out? 有誰要一起加入?Who is with me? 我可以加入你(們)嗎?Do you mind if I join you? 好啊!為什麼不要!Sure. Why not. 聽起來不錯耶!Sounds great. 沒問題!No problem. 不用,謝謝!No, thanks. 我不這麼認為。I don't think so. 不可能!That's impossible. 我會再告訴你。I'll let you know. 我有其他計畫了!I have other plans. 別想了!Don't think about it. 抱歉。I'm sorry. 恭喜!Congratulations! 祝你週末愉快!Have a nice weekend. 幫我向史考特問好。Say hi to Scott for me. 再見!See you. 下次見囉!See you next time. 我要走了!I have to go. 你今天臉色看起來很蒼白。You look rather pale today. 我發燒了。I've got a fever. 我頭痛。I've got a headache. 我不太舒服。I'm not feeling well. 我喉嚨痛。I've got a sore throat. 你現在覺得如何?How do you feel now? 你最好要多休息。You'd better get some rest. 你有去看醫生了嗎?Did you see a doctor? 冷靜點!Calm down. 難為你了。It's not easy for you. 少來這一套!Knock it off. 你腦袋有問題啊!What's your problem? 你是個混蛋!You're a jerk! 從我面前消失!Get out of my face. 糟糕!Shit. 酷喔!Cool. 不錯的衣服喔!Nice dress. 幹得好!Good job. 我今天什麼事都不對勁!I'm not myself today. 那是一個好主意。That's a good idea. 我有一個主意。I have an idea. 你的理由是什麼?What's your reason? 為什麼不?Why not? 繼續!Go on. 我同意。I agree. 我是絕對不會同意的。I couldn't agree less. 不用在意。Never mind. 不要再說了!Say no more. 我瞭解!I see. 我還是不明白!I still don't get it! 我沒有聽懂!I didn't catch you. 你沒弄懂我的意思。You're missing my point. 是啊!That's right. 你剛剛說什麼?What did you just say? 你說什麼?Pardon? 你覺得如何?What do you think? 我不在意!I don't care. 多謝啦!Thanks a lot. 你是不是有交往的對象?Are you seeing someone? 我愛你!I love you. 我非常想念你。I miss you so much. 你確定?Are you sure? 我不太清楚!I don't know for sure. 你是在開玩笑的吧!You must be kidding. 我對它感到很厭煩了。I'm tired of it. 安靜點!Be quiet. 很抱歉打擾你了!I'm sorry to bother you. 我的天啊!My God. 你要好照顧自己!Take care of yourself. 高興點!Cheer up. 沒有人會怪你!No one blames you. 這是你的決定。It's your decision. 我可以跟你單獨相處一會兒嗎?Can I get you alone? 有空談一談嗎?Got a minute to talk? 不會耽誤你太久。It won't keep you long. 我們換個話題吧!Let's change the subject. 感謝你的協助囉!Thank you for your help. 請不必這麼麻煩!Please don't bother. 我可以自己處理。I can manage it by myself. 萬事拜託了!I'm counting on you. 我說得夠清楚了嗎?Do I make myself clear? 你真丟臉!Shame on you! 讓我開車載你回家。Let me drive you home. 要搭便車嗎?Wanna lift? 別吹牛了!Give me a break. 少來了!Come on! 快一點!Hurry up! 我敢打賭!I bet. 看情況再說!It depends. 我正在找工作。I'm looking for a job. 你今天感覺怎麼樣?How are you feeling today? 沒聽說過這回事!That's news to me. 你看起來很眼熟!You look familiar. 借過!Excuse me. 您先請!After you. 你最大。You're the boss. 你說對了。You can say that again. 太荒謬了!It's ridiculous. 真糟糕!It's terrible. 你真是好心!It's very kind of you. 我以你為榮。I'm proud of you. 要有耐心。Be patient. 相信我!Believe me. 不要失去理智。Don't lose your mind. 算了吧! Forget it. 一起來吧!Come on! 你需要幫忙嗎?Do you need help? 請幫我一個忙。Please do me a favor. 需要我幫忙嗎?May I help you? 你想要我做什麼?What do you want me to do? 我來幫你。Let me help you. 救命啊!Help! 不必客氣!Don't mention it. 看開一點吧!Don't take it so hard. 不用擔心!Don't worry. 我真的很擔心。I am so worried. 夠了!Enough! 可以!Go ahead. 你上當了!Got you! 很遺憾聽見這件事。I'm sorry to hear that. 我才不相信!I don't believe it. 真教人不敢相信!I can't believe it. 我情不自禁!I can't help it. 你說呢?You tell me. 不可能的事。It can't be. 這是常有的事。It happens. 時候到了。It's about time. 太容易了!It's a piece of cake. 偶爾打電話給我。Call me sometime. 保持聯絡。Keep in touch. 是我的錯。It's my fault. 沒什麼大不了啊!It's no big deal. 你一定是在開玩笑!You must be kidding. 你不是當真的吧?You can't be serious. 你是說真的嗎?Are you serious? 我是認真的!I'm serious. 還用得著你說!You're telling me. 你是自討苦吃!You asked for it. 事情可能會更糟。It could be worse. 請結帳。Bill, please. 幾點了?What time is it? 你的錶時間有準嗎?Is your watch right? 七點整。It's seven o'clock sharp. 是誰啊?Who is it? 要喝點什麼?What would you like to drink? 別客氣,自己來!Help yourself. 不要拘束!Make yourself at home. 很高興認識你!Nice meeting you. 我的公車來了。Here comes my bus. 為什麼?Why? 事情還是很令人疑惑。It's so confusing. 我被搞得糊里糊塗的!I'm confused. 你猜猜怎麼了?Guess what? 我有事要告訴你。I have something to tell you. 說來聽聽!Tell me about it. 誰說的?Says who? 真有那麼回事嗎?Is that so? 我受寵若驚。I'm flattered. 我不會說的。I'm not telling. 我不是故意的。I didn't mean to. 我想想。Let me see. 這是我個人的想法。It's just a thought. 何不聽聽我的想法。Listen to this. 你沒在聽我說!You're not listening to me. 我不知道。I don't know. 我一無所知!I know nothing about it. 你完全不知道!You have no idea. 你這是什麼意思?What do you mean by that? 我沒有時間。I don't have time. 你有空嗎?Do you have time? 在忙嗎?Are you keeping busy? 我現在很忙。I'm quite busy now. 我被炒魷魚了。I got fired. 我被困住了。I got stuck! 也許我會吧!I guess I will. 我想是吧!I guess so. 我別無選擇。I have no choice. 我還沒有決定。I haven't decided yet. 由你決定。It's up to you. 我也希望是如此。I hope so. 我警告過你了。I warned you. 我告訴過你不要這麼做了!I've told you not to do it. 我會盡力的!I'll do my best. 我來看看我能幫什麼忙!I'll see what I can do. 我會試試看。I will try. 再試試吧!Try again. 那值得一試。It's worth a shot. 的確是這樣。I will say. 就這個星期五好嗎?How about this Friday? 我可以。That's fine with me. 事情說來話長。It's a long story. 拜託,不要現在!Not now, please. 那只是你個人的看法。That's what you say. 看看你!Look at you. 我很期待這件事。I look forward to it. 有道理!It made sense. 慢慢來不用急!Take your time. 慢慢說!Slow down. 用用你的腦袋吧!Use your head. 你說說話吧!Say something. 朋友就是要互相幫助啊!What are friends for? 你有我們啊!You have us. 我瞭解你的感受!I know how you feel. 在趕什麼?What's the hurry? 你(們)要去哪裡?Where are you off to? 例如什麼?Such as? 我向你保證。You have my word. 我發誓!I promise. 你會後悔的!You'll be sorry. 拜託啦!Please? 有一點。Kind of. 有人嗎?Hello? 離我遠一點!Stay away from me! 面對現實吧!Face it. 我不幹了!I quit! 有趣喔!Interesting. 我們開門見山的說吧!Let's get it straight. 這麼說吧!Let's put it this way. 事情很快就會過去的。It's going to be over soon. 事情百分百確定了!It's going to happen. 那又怎樣?So what? 你想要說什麼?What are you trying to say? 你少管閒事!It's none of your business! 這不是重點。It's not the point. 你願意原諒我嗎?Would you forgive me? 什麼時間合適呢?What time will it be all right? 跟我來。Follow me. 賣多少錢?How much? 我正要回家。I'm on my way home. 就這樣!That's all! 你出賣我!You set me up! 我會考慮看看!I'll think about it. 那就以後再說吧!Maybe some other time. 你在這裡喔!There you are. 要就要,不要就拉倒。Take it or leave it. 我是單身。I'm single. 我請客。My treat. 你哪會知道!You wouldn't know. 有什麼損失嗎?What can it hurt? 有差別嗎?Does it make any difference? 不好笑!It's not funny. 不公平!It's not fair. 我們麻煩大了!We're in big trouble. 我們需要談一談!We need to talk. 你瘋啦!You're crazy. 你知道有一句古諺嗎?You know the old saying... 事情就是這樣啦!That's the way it goes. 你從事什麼工作?What do you do? 我們還要走多遠? How far do we have to go? 事情不趕啦!There is no hurry. 我辦不到啦!I can't do it. 你在做什麼?What are you doing? 有一件事有問題喔!There's one thing wrong. 我們出發囉!Here we go. 我們可以走了嗎?Shall we?


書名 / 菜英文: 生活應用篇 (附MP3)
作者 / 張瑜凌
簡介 / 菜英文: 生活應用篇 (附MP3):語言只是一種溝通的管道,就和每個人當初在學習母語的過程是一樣,語言得透過不斷的練習,增加使用技巧!但是當你學會了所有的英文單字、文法
出版社 / 永續圖書有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789866282416
ISBN10 / 9866282414
EAN / 9789866282416
誠品26碼 / 2680602431006
頁數 / 320
開數 / 25K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / N:無