作者 | 超感動 |
出版社 | 永續圖書有限公司 |
商品描述 | 別說我瞎掰:◎聯合推薦熱血漫畫大師/曾建華黑色幽默達人/卡謬佬網路資深行銷/于文強黑暗圖文高手/老菜史上第一本無厘頭哲學的勵志圖文書超另類的思考模式、超爆笑的漫 |
作者 | 超感動 |
出版社 | 永續圖書有限公司 |
商品描述 | 別說我瞎掰:◎聯合推薦熱血漫畫大師/曾建華黑色幽默達人/卡謬佬網路資深行銷/于文強黑暗圖文高手/老菜史上第一本無厘頭哲學的勵志圖文書超另類的思考模式、超爆笑的漫 |
內容簡介 ◎聯合推薦熱血漫畫大師/曾建華黑色幽默達人/卡謬佬網路資深行銷/于文強黑暗圖文高手/老菜史上第一本無厘頭哲學的勵志圖文書超另類的思考模式、超爆笑的漫畫情節、超無厘頭的圖文創作結局讓你永遠「估唔到」。
作者介紹 ■作者簡介超感動職業:平面設計師血型:B專長:偷懶、摸魚星座:雙子興趣:線上遊戲本書的主角,慵懶散漫,是個標準的腐女,同時也是位月光族,樂觀是她最大的優點,有傻大姐的豪邁性格,最喜歡的人是自己的老爸,父女感情融洽,最害怕的人是本書出版社主任(惡魔大人),無厘頭的個性是她最大的特色。經歷:奇摩人氣部落客,復興美工畢業,現為soho族。曾入圍《華人部落格大賞》幽默項目決選,《百萬部落客》第二名、曾任職大賣場美工企劃人員,廣告公司平面設計師。美麗文靜的外表,無厘頭的個性,讓你永遠「估唔到」(猜不到)。■譯者簡介常被誤認為Brad Pitt學歷:英國曼徹斯特大學商學院研究生,台灣大學心理學碩士第一名畢業。經歷:現為英國人力資源發展協會(CIPD)高階會員,曾任職於Burberry(倫敦),曼聯足球隊(曼徹斯特),中文學校(曼徹斯特), 台大心理系助教(台北)。
產品目錄 感情篇(The Philosophy of Love)愛情不該盲目。Love should not be blind.候補Candidate感情需要雙方面的付出。To support each other is a key factor in maintaining a relationship.表達心意也是門學問。Find the right way to demonstrate sincerity.誠實Honesty尊重對方隱私。Respect the privacy of others.可以寵愛,但決不溺愛。Love her but don't spoil her.影響Influence不要自作多情。Don't flatter yourself.與其找藉口倒不如坦白自我。Tell the truth rather than find an excuse.浪漫Romance職場哲學(The Philosophy of Work)投其所好的推銷技巧。Meet the needs of others.準備Preparation有創新意識,就不怕被淘汰。Creativity and Innovation help you survive in the workplace.工作中沒有私人時間。There is no private time when you are working.競爭Competition搬弄是非只會自損形象。Stop talking about people behind their backs.相互競爭不如互助合作。Choose co-operation over competition.草率Sloppiness掌握會議重點,提高工作效率。Make efficient use of meeting time.提防忽然升溫的友情。Don't hurt anybody and protect yourself from being hurt.合作Co-operation借力使力更有力。Defeat your opponents by utilising their own advantages.緊緊抓牢自己的夢想。Be a committed person.誠信Honesty就算不在意,也不能不注意。Although you may not care, you should be aware.態度決定高度。Your attitude determines how successful you are.自省Introspection不要強求老闆兌現承諾。Don't expect your boss to keep his promise.顧客永遠正確。The customer is always right.忍耐Tolerance工欲善其事,必先利其器。Improve your performance by sharpening the competitive edge.承認犯錯,才有機會補救。Make a confession and take full responsibility.嘲諷Ridicule掌握要訣,對症下藥。Find the right way.欲速則不達。More haste, less speed.行動Action批評別人不代表自己有實力。Criticising others dosen't make you better.不要辜負別人的美意。Be open to suggestions.頭腦Brains職位越高,責任越大。People in a higher position should take more responsibility.凡事量力而為。Do what you are capable of.行家Expert先思考,再行動。Think before you act.職場如戰場。The workplace is a war zone.優勢Advantage看場合穿適當衣服。Follow the dress code.提高自我談吐能力。Develop your communication skills.變通Adaptability不要好高騖遠。Have both feet on the ground.不要把事情複雜化。Don't make things complicated.時間Time事情不能只看表面。Scratch beneath the surface.千金難買早知道。I wish I saw this coming.實踐Practice成功哲學(The Philosophy of Success)千萬不要低估你的對手。Never underestimate your opponent.放棄Let it go自吹自擂的人往往腦袋空空。Braggarts usually look silly.聰明人懂得裝傻卻不真傻。You can pretend to be foolish but make sure you are no fool.空想Fantasy為人處世,信守諾言。Keep your promise.今天不做,明天就會後悔。Do it now.恆心Perseverance沒主見的人成不了大事。A man of principle will always succeed.用困難來茁壯自己。The road to happiness is paved with adversities.恐懼Fear凡事皆有可能。Anything is possible. 珍惜每一次機會。Seizing every opportunity.振作Pull yourself together隨時保持樂觀。Look on the bright side.與其被動等待,不如主動出擊。Don't wait! Start now!成功Success懂得選擇,學會放棄。Learn to let go.識時務者為俊傑。Discretion is the better part of valour.忘記Forget條條大路通羅馬。All roads lead to Rome.逃避無法解決問題。Face your problem.自卑Inferiority complex生活哲學(The Philosophy of Life)家是最溫暖的避風港。The family provide the sweetest refuge.健康Health有目標才有動力。Motivation comes from goal setting.接受幫助並不丟臉。Don't be ashamed of asking for help.知足Content培養良好的金錢觀念。Have the good financial sense.不要吝嗇你的讚美。Be willing to shower compliments.逞強Pretending to be strong我很重要。I am extremely important.隨時保有危機意識。Be prepared at any time.存在Recognition忙並不等於充實。Being busy doesn't necessarily bring a sense of fulfilment.瞭解自己,展現自信。Understand yourself and show confidence.改變Change頭腦清晰才是贏家。Keep calm and try not to panic.珍惜每一分鐘。Time and tide wait for no man.夢想Hope切勿熱心過了頭。Don't act beyond your ability.別老抱怨為什麼。Stop complaining.樂觀Optimism
書名 / | 別說我瞎掰 |
作者 / | 超感動 |
簡介 / | 別說我瞎掰:◎聯合推薦熱血漫畫大師/曾建華黑色幽默達人/卡謬佬網路資深行銷/于文強黑暗圖文高手/老菜史上第一本無厘頭哲學的勵志圖文書超另類的思考模式、超爆笑的漫 |
出版社 / | 永續圖書有限公司 |
ISBN13 / | 9789867041784 |
ISBN10 / | 986704178X |
EAN / | 9789867041784 |
誠品26碼 / | 2680415397001 |
頁數 / | 224 |
開數 / | 25K |
注音版 / | 否 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 1:中文 繁體 |
級別 / | N:無 |