青春華語 二 (附MP3) | 誠品線上

青春華語 二 (附MP3)

作者 Huai-Xuan Chen (陳懷萱)/ Chu-Hua Huang (黃琡華)/ Laura Mei-Chih Chang-Blust (張美智)/ Yun-Jen Lee (李芸蓁)
出版社 五南圖書出版股份有限公司
商品描述 青春華語 二 (附MP3):IntroducingtheBook1.Targetreaders:beginnersinseniorhighschoolorjuniorhighschool.2.Duration:onesemester,suitablefortheschoolswithlessChinese


內容簡介 Introducing the Book 1. Target readers: beginners in senior high school or junior high school. 2. Duration: one semester, suitable for the schools with less Chinese learning hours. 3. The texts come in both traditional and simplified Chinese. Pinyin is also included. A glossary is attached at the end of the book. 4. Chinese characters: 768 different Chinese characters are included. 5. Vocabulary: 472 words (meaning units) are included. 6. Sentence patterns: 59 sentence patterns are included. A. 教材簡介 1. 使用對象:本教材是針對高中與初中年齡層的華語學習者所編寫。 2. 教學時間:可使用一個學期,適於每週中文課時數較少的學校使用。 3. 課文均有繁體字、簡體字及漢語拼音。課本最後附有全冊的生詞表。 4. 漢字量:本教材共有768不同的漢字。 5. 生詞量:本教材共有472個生詞。 6. 句型量:本教材共有59個中文句型。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Shih-chang Hsin (信世昌)Editor-in-chief主編Huai-xuan Chen(陳懷萱)Executive Editors執行編輯Chu-hua Huang(黃琡華)Executive Editors執行編輯Dr. Laura Mei-chih Chang-Blust (張美智)Consultant編輯顧問Yun-jen Lee(李芸蓁)Assisstant編輯助理Run-ting Chang(張閏婷)Assisstant編輯助理Hsiao-ting Huang (黃筱婷)Assisstant編輯助理Shi-wen Huang (黃詩雯)Graphics插圖


產品目錄 Preface(編輯前言) (3)I Topics Functions & Language Skills (7)II Grammar & Cultural Notes (8)III Abbreviation (10)IV Story & Characters (11)UNIT 1 How Was Your Winter Vacation?(你的寒假過得怎麼樣?)UNIT 2 Here’s Something for You(這是一點小禮物!) UNIT 3 Happy New Year!(新年快樂!)UNIT 4 What Are You Doing on New Year’s Eve?(除夕時你要做什麼?)UNIT 5 Do You Like Kung Fu Movies?(你喜歡功夫片嗎?)UNIT 6 What Are You Interested in?(你的興趣是什麼?) UNIT 7 Let’s Make Spring Rolls at My House(來我家包春捲)UNIT 8 Go, Mark! Go!(一起幫Mark加油!) UNIT 9 Do You Want to Apply for the Student ExchangeProgram?(你想申請交換計畫嗎?) UNIT 10 Let’s Go to the Theme Park!(我們去遊樂園吧!)UNIT 11 The Exam Is Coming Up!(考試快要到了!)UNIT 12 Life in High School(高中生活大不同)ContentsI Vocabulary Index 185II Terms Index 199III Expressions Index 201IV Supplement Explanation Index 204


書名 / 青春華語 二 (附MP3)
作者 / Huai-Xuan Chen (陳懷萱) Chu-Hua Huang (黃琡華) Laura Mei-Chih Chang-Blust (張美智) Yun-Jen Lee (李芸蓁)
簡介 / 青春華語 二 (附MP3):IntroducingtheBook1.Targetreaders:beginnersinseniorhighschoolorjuniorhighschool.2.Duration:onesemester,suitablefortheschoolswithlessChinese
出版社 / 五南圖書出版股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789571184074
ISBN10 / 9571184071
EAN / 9789571184074
誠品26碼 / 2681268808003
頁數 / 228
開數 / 16K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / N:無