財經新聞學英文: Financial News in English | 誠品線上

財經新聞學英文: Financial News in English

作者 楊德源 (Der-Yuan Yang)
出版社 紅螞蟻圖書有限公司
商品描述 財經新聞學英文: Financial News in English:財經新聞有其慣用的敘述手法,充滿專有名詞、歷史典故、引申譬喻、雙關語等,初學者往往不明就理,無法精確掌握。本書作者為


內容簡介 財經新聞有其慣用的敘述手法,充滿專有名詞、歷史典故、引申譬喻、雙關語等,初學者往往不明就理,無法精確掌握。本書作者為財經英文領域高手,又在大學任教,特別整理來自不同媒體的財經新聞和專題,搜羅相關的論文研究,深入淺出介紹各個面向的財經概念和軼聞。從股票、行動支付到政府的貨幣政策,讓讀者不僅習得基礎的金融市場概念,同時也學到財經相關的英文詞彙和用語。●主題式文章閱讀,從股市到貨幣概念一把抓●英中主文對照,財經關鍵詞彙解說豐富嚴謹●深入淺出解析金融風暴,幽默笑談財經軼聞●課後加碼「英文冷知識」,一次搞懂單字的妙用,給你會心一笑


作者介紹 ■作者簡介楊德源(Der-Yuan Yang)國立臺灣大學政治學系國際關係組學士,加州大學聖塔巴巴拉分校經濟學博士。主要研究領域為歐洲金融史、國際債務問題、制度經濟學、公共財政等。近年的興趣則在研究東方傳統與經濟行為之關連。曾於Asian Population Studies、Contemporary Economic Policy及Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization等國際論文期刊上發表著作。


產品目錄 導讀:英文字義何其多 Unit 1 Analysts vs Orangutans分析師決戰紅毛猩猩Unit 2 More Contests between Analysts and Monkeys人猴大戰續集Unit 3 Mobile Money行動貨幣Unit 4 The Impact of Mobile Money 行動貨幣之影響Unit 5 The Operation of the Stock Market 股市運作Unit 6 High-Frequency Trading 高頻率交易Unit 7 The Impact of High-Frequency Trading 高頻率交易之影響Unit 8 Isaac Newton and the South Sea Bubble 牛頓與南海泡沫Unit 9 John Law, Mississippi Bubble, and John Maynard Keynes 勞約翰、密西西比泡沫與凱因斯Unit 10 The Sun, the Moon, and Stock Returns太陽、月亮、股票報酬率Unit 11 A Portfolio Strategy to Weather the Storm of Business Cycles 克服景氣循環風暴的投資組合策略Unit 12 The Market for Lemons: Information Asymmetry andthe Agency Problem 檸檬市場:資訊不對稱及代理問題Unit 13 The Short Lifespan of Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM)短命的長期資本管理公司(LTCM)Unit 14 The Saga of Two Giant Investment Banks:Bear Stearns andLehman Brothers 兩大投資銀行的艱辛歷程:貝爾斯登與雷曼兄弟Unit 15 Amaranth Advisors 不凋之花投資顧問有限公司Unit 16 The Blunders of Rogue Trader Nick Leeson and the Fall of Barings惡棍交易員尼克.李森作的蠢事和霸菱集團的沒落Unit 17 The Notorious Japanese Corporate Culture: On the Cases ofDaiwa Bank and Sumitomo 惡名昭彰的日本公司文化:大和銀行及住友Unit 18 Episodes during the Great Recession and the Internet Era 大衰退及網路時代的事件Unit 19 Economic Policies: Monetary and Fiscal 經濟政策:貨幣與財政Unit 20 Financial Crises and the Precarious Nature of Banking 金融危機與銀行業的不穩定本質Unit 21 The Agency Problem Revisited: the Missing Built-in Checks 再論代理問題:失落的內建監控Unit 22 Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction 大規模毀滅性金融武器Unit 23 Dealing with the Aftermath 處理善後Unit 24 Eurodollars and Eurobonds 境外美元與境外債券Unit 25 Trade Policy 貿易政策後記:翻譯知多少


書名 / 財經新聞學英文: Financial News in English
作者 / 楊德源 (Der-Yuan Yang)
簡介 / 財經新聞學英文: Financial News in English:財經新聞有其慣用的敘述手法,充滿專有名詞、歷史典故、引申譬喻、雙關語等,初學者往往不明就理,無法精確掌握。本書作者為
出版社 / 紅螞蟻圖書有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789574458059
ISBN10 / 9574458059
EAN / 9789574458059
誠品26碼 / 2681665968003
頁數 / 168
開數 / 18K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : ■主題式文章閱讀,從股市到貨幣概念一把抓


內文 : Unit 1 Analysts vs Orangutans

Many people believe that financial consultants are the experts in picking winning stocks, and that making money in the financial industry is a highly technical and overly-complex task reserved exclusively for the stock wizards. Indeed, for those outside the industry the market is
difficult to understand. Even after decades, no one seems to be able to decipher the market and beat it.

The truth is that no one—not even the professional analyst or the self-proclaimed prodigy—truly understands how to make money via the market, and no one has ever had any clue about what is going to happen on the market. The following story will show you why. A San Francisco Chronicle article indicated that an orangutan named Jolyn living in Vallejo, California was asked to select a list of stocks. Eight professional analysts also did the same at the beginning of the year, and compared the performance of their stock picks at the year end.

The results showed that Jolyn beat the investment advisers as often as they beat her. The implication is that hiring professional analysts to get their advice may not be worth the money. Can the stock market be predicted? This is a question everyone is asking and no one has yet answered. Burton Malkiel once said “A blindfolded monkey throwing darts at a newspaper’s financial pages could select a portfolio that would do just as well as one carefully selected by experts.” As the article of San Francisco Chronicle has shown, Malkiel’s statement seems to be true.


analyst (n.) 分析師。在台灣要當分析師,必須通過證照考試。在美國,正式的分析師有理財規劃師(Certified Financial Planner,CFP)及特許財務分析師(Chartered Financial Analyst, CFA)。除非有以上證照,否則不具正式分析師資格。
blindfolded (adj.) 蒙住眼睛的
dart (n.) 飛鏢(throw, lob, or toss a dart:射飛鏢)
decade (n.) 十年(decades:數十年)
decipher (v.) 解讀;辨識(尤指困難之事或物)
exclusively (adv.) 僅僅;獨佔地,專用
expert (n.) 專家。專家具備的則是專業知識(expertise)。
financial consultant (n.) 理財顧問,金融顧問
financial industry (n.) 金融業(包含銀行、保險、票券、證券等行業)
orangutan (n.) 紅毛猩猩
overly-complex (adj.) 過度複雜,非常複雜
performance (n.) 績效;表現;表演(在財經英文的用法中,通常指績效,也就是獲利。)
prodigy (n.) 天才;神童
professional (adj.) 專業的 (n.) 專業人士
reserve (v.) 保留(make a reservation:訂位)
self-proclaimed (adj.) 自我宣稱的
stock (n.) 股票(也可以稱作 share 或 equity)。股東為 stockholder或shareholder,股本為stockholders’equity,股東會為stockholders’meeting,董事會 the board of directors。
via (prep.) 經由,憑藉
wizard (n.) 巫師;高手,奇才。另一個類似的字是 geek。nerd 則是指書呆子型的人。