Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (13 Ed.) | 誠品線上

Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (13 Ed.)

作者 The Department of Linguistics at The Ohio State University
出版社 書林出版有限公司
商品描述 Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (13 Ed.):LanguageFiles內容豐富,自1970年代出版以來,成為最廣受採用、諮詢的權威語言學


內容簡介 書籍簡介Language Files 內容豐富,自1970年代出版以來,成為最廣受採用、諮詢的權威語言學教材,獲美國各大學相關課程指定教材或主要參考書。本書內容屢經增修,與時俱進,是市場上涵蓋層面最廣泛、最權威的語言學導論教科書。新版內容經全面修訂,各章皆由該領域語言學權威撰寫,內容專業,因此除語言學導論外,也適用於其他語言學相關課程。此外編排方式不僅考慮到學生的需求與興趣,各章節的獨立完整,更提供了教師課程設計極大的彈性。產品特色 * 針對語音、音韻 (phonology)、語用等科目,和心理語言學的章節大幅更新。* 結合近期大腦與語言的研究,擴充有關語言障礙的篇幅。* 新增練習,附加網頁連結到和語言學相關的音檔及網上資源,較前版本內容更多。13 e 修訂部分簡介: (與 12 e 詳細差異,請參考附件: Preface to the Thirteenth Edition)* 新版主要修訂的部分包括對構詞學中的同位異形 (allomorphy) 更深入討論,並增加了模板構詞、超音段構詞和構詞音位變換等部分,讓學生能更全面地認識所有構詞現象。* 新增語言與電腦,介紹深度學習、人工神經網路和計算語言學等相關領域,讓讀者了解這些快速發展領域中的最新研究和應用。* 附語言學小詞典及最新 IPA 符號表;練習和建議閱讀清單全面更新。※本書線上解答下載網址:https: Other LFInstMan.htm(須讀者完成註冊與認證流程,方可下載。)Language Files Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics, 13 e has become one of the most widely adopted, consulted, and authoritative introductory textbooks to linguistics ever written. The scope of the text makes it suitable for use in a wide range of courses, while its unique organization into student-friendly, self-contained sections allows for tremendous flexibility in course design. New in the 13th edition:The thirteenth edition has been revised, clarified, and updated throughout to ensure that it remains the most comprehensive and accessible introductory linguistics textbook on the market. The revised chapter on morphology includes a more thorough discussion of allomorphy and adds sections on templatic morphology, suprasegmental morphology, and morphological metathesis to give students a more complete picture of all morphological phenomena. The chapter on language and computers has been updated with new sections on deep learning, artificial neural networks, and on other areas of computational linguistics, providing readers with a better sense of current research and applications in this rapidly developing field. Other additions include new sections on syntactic non-constituents and non-generative rule systems in the syntax chapter and a complete rewrite to the creole languages file in the language contact chapter. We have also adopted the use of the singular they when referring to a generic person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant. Exercises and lists of other readings have been updated throughout.


作者介紹 The Department of Linguistics at The Ohio University俄亥俄大學語言學系成立於1963年,是世界著名的計算語言學、描述、理論和實驗語言學重鎮。The Department of Linguistics at The Ohio UniversityFounded in 1963, is world renowned for its programs in computational, descriptive, theoretical, and experimental linguistics.


產品目錄 目錄內容 (詳細目錄請參考附件: Contents)1. Introduction 導言2. Phonetics 語音學3. Phonology 音韻學4. Morphology 構詞學5. Syntax 句法學6. Semantics 語意學7. Pragmatics 語用學8. Language Acquisition 語言學習裝置9. Psycholinguistics 心理語言學10. Language Variation 語言變異11. Language and Culture 語言與文化12. Language Contact 語際接觸13. Language Change 語言演變14. Animal Communication 動物溝通15. Writing Systems 書寫系統16. Language and Computers 語言和電腦17. Practical Applications 實際應用


書名 / Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (13 Ed.)
作者 / The Department of Linguistics at The Ohio State University
簡介 / Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (13 Ed.):LanguageFiles內容豐富,自1970年代出版以來,成為最廣受採用、諮詢的權威語言學
出版社 / 書林出版有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789574459995
ISBN10 / 9574459993
EAN / 9789574459995
誠品26碼 / 2682257716002
頁數 / 784
開數 / 8K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30X21X3CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 1470


最佳賣點 : 產品特色
* 針對語音、音韻 (phonology)、語用等科目,和心理語言學的章節大幅更新。
* 結合近期大腦與語言的研究,擴充有關語言障礙的篇幅。
* 新增練習,附加網頁連結到和語言學相關的音檔及網上資源,較前版本內容更多。
