




近年來掀起全新閱讀模式的 圖像小說 【Graphic Novel】乍看之下與漫畫似乎有點難以分辨出來,但本質上,漫畫是圖像為主體、輔以文字敘事,而圖像小說,則是以文學為主體,輔以圖像讓閱讀多了一層趣味性。但圖像小說,與閱讀量針對進入兒童純文學前的過渡期所閱讀的橋樑書,又稍微不同。以文學為主體的圖像小說,可以說是以文學作為奠基,搭配有趣圖像,近年來甚至有影視作品的改編,多樣的發展性,讓快世代的孩子也能夠選擇自己所想要的難易度,進而增添閱讀的可能。

Bunny vs Monkey | 兔兔與猴子戰爭

Bunny vs Monkey: Bunny Bonanza

Bunny vs Monkey: Bunny Bonanza

Bunny vs Monkey: Bunny Bonanza

Bunny vs Monkey: The Impossible Pig

Bunny vs Monkey: The Impossible Pig

Bunny vs Monkey: The Impossible Pig

Bunny vs Monkey: Machine Mayhem!

Bunny vs Monkey: Machine Mayhem!

Bunny vs Monkey: Machine Mayhem!

Bunny vs Monkey: Multiverse Mix-up!

Bunny vs Monkey: Multiverse Mix-up!

Bunny vs Monkey: Multiverse Mix-up!

Bunny vs Monkey: Rise of the Maniacal Badger

Bunny vs Monkey: Rise of the Maniacal Badger

Bunny vs Monkey: Rise of the Maniacal Badger

Bunny vs Monkey and the Supersonic Aye-aye!

Bunny vs Monkey and the Supersonic Aye-aye!

Bunny vs Monkey and the Supersonic Aye-aye!

Bunny vs Monkey and the League of Doom!

Bunny vs Monkey and the League of Doom!

Bunny vs Monkey and the League of Doom!

Bunny vs Monkey: The Human Invasion

Bunny vs Monkey: The Human Invasion

Bunny vs Monkey: The Human Invasion

Bunny Vs Monkey

Bunny Vs Monkey

Bunny Vs Monkey