【POP-UP 紙上驚奇秀】中外立體書4折起





【Meggendorfer Prize 梅根多佛獎】梅根多佛獎是由美國可動書協會 (簡稱 MBS) 設立,向十九世紀德國傳奇立體書紙藝家 Lothar Meggendorfer (1847~1925) 致敬。在兩年一度的年會中頒發年度最佳立體書暨紙藝家獎,被譽為「立體書界的奧斯卡獎」。1998年頒發首位得獎作品【The Christmas Alphabet】,為紙藝大師Robert Sabouda創作。點我選購 👉 迪士尼公主立體書合購價$1,299


The Moomins Find a Home: A Pop-Up Adventure

The Moomins Find a Home: A Pop-Up Adventure

The Moomins Find a Home: A Pop-Up Adventure

Wicked: The Story of Oz & the Wonderful Wizard Replica Pop-Up Book

Wicked: The Story of Oz & the Wonderful Wizard Replica Pop-Up Book

Wicked: The Story of Oz & the Wonderful Wizard Replica Pop-Up Book

Disney: Cinderella Pop-Up Book

Disney: Cinderella Pop-Up Book

Disney: Cinderella Pop-Up Book

Wild Animals

Wild Animals

Wild Animals

The Incredible Pop-up Bug: With 20 Flaps to Lift and Giant Pop-ups

The Incredible Pop-up Bug: With 20 Flaps to Lift and Giant Pop-ups

The Incredible Pop-up Bug: With 20 Flaps to Lift and Giant Pop-ups

Swan Lake: An Enchanting Pop-up Classic

Swan Lake: An Enchanting Pop-up Classic

Swan Lake: An Enchanting Pop-up Classic

The Nightmare Before Christmas: Pop-Up Holiday Worlds

The Nightmare Before Christmas: Pop-Up Holiday Worlds

The Nightmare Before Christmas: Pop-Up Holiday Worlds

DC Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book

DC Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book

DC Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book

Godzilla: The Official Pop-Up Book

Godzilla: The Official Pop-Up Book

Godzilla: The Official Pop-Up Book

Disneyland: Pop-Up Park Tour

Disneyland: Pop-Up Park Tour

Disneyland: Pop-Up Park Tour

The Little Prince (Pop-up Ed.)

The Little Prince (Pop-up Ed.)

The Little Prince (Pop-up Ed.)

Monet: the Pop-up Book

Monet: the Pop-up Book

Monet: the Pop-up Book

Bicycles: Pop-Up-Book

Bicycles: Pop-Up-Book

Bicycles: Pop-Up-Book

Here Comes Charlie Brown!

Here Comes Charlie Brown!

Here Comes Charlie Brown!

The Snowman Pop-Up

The Snowman Pop-Up

The Snowman Pop-Up

好餓的毛毛蟲: 立體洞洞書 (第2版)

好餓的毛毛蟲: 立體洞洞書 (第2版)

好餓的毛毛蟲: 立體洞洞書 (第2版)

時空旅行出發囉! 神話世界

時空旅行出發囉! 神話世界

時空旅行出發囉! 神話世界

時空旅行出發囉! 傳統節慶

時空旅行出發囉! 傳統節慶

時空旅行出發囉! 傳統節慶

時空旅行出發囉! 天工開物

時空旅行出發囉! 天工開物

時空旅行出發囉! 天工開物

2025年歡樂過新年 (誠品獨家贈品版/附超可愛新年賀卡)

2025年歡樂過新年 (誠品獨家贈品版/附超可愛新年賀卡)

2025年歡樂過新年 (誠品獨家贈品版/附超可愛新年賀卡)

走進夢幻童話: 立體光影繪本

走進夢幻童話: 立體光影繪本

走進夢幻童話: 立體光影繪本


Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to the Creatures of the Wizarding World

Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to the Creatures of the Wizarding World

Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to the Creatures of the Wizarding World

Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to Hogwarts

Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to Hogwarts

Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to Hogwarts


Disney: Cinderella Pop-Up Book

Disney: Cinderella Pop-Up Book

Disney: Cinderella Pop-Up Book

Disney Princess: The Little Mermaid Pop-Up Book

Disney Princess: The Little Mermaid Pop-Up Book

Disney Princess: The Little Mermaid Pop-Up Book